A 12 week group project at AHO


Simon A. Dreyer (link to his website)

What did I do?

Service Design, User Journey, Business Model, Systemic Design, Interview, Sketching, Formulating Brief, Concept Development & Field Study

Creating A Roadmap To Mobilise The Oslo Fjord

This was a group project as part of the Bachelor in Design program at AHO in 2022. The task was to define our own brief and eventually create a roadmap for services needed to mobilise the Oslo Fjord. This was a collaboration with Beta Mobility.

Nominated for AHO Works!

This project was nominated by Halogen for the Prize for Complexity in 2022 at the annual AHO Works Exhibition.


As a Grup we chose Beta Mobility’s scope - how to establish a ferry network. We lead a systemic approach, because a system is needed to give the service a framework.

Rich Design Space

Creating a Rich Design Space helped us to make sense of large amounts of information, and to draw connections in the Gigamap.


Material included was design methods, field studies, interviews, desktop research and mapping.

Field Studies

We wanted to observe how the mobility system covers the area, and how a ferry could be accessed.

Visting multiple places

The advantage by being multiple places is to get a better understanding and width of the situation. That gives us a stable research phase to build upon.

Creating A Network through Services


The first step is to change traveling habits. With the service Kryss, we mobilise the Fjord by connecting boat owners and commuters.


When the industry is ripe to mass produce electric boats, we’ll need energy along the newly established routes along the water line. Gridd is a service that gathers data from Kryss to know where to put the power stations.

A Ferry Network

The final step is to establish stops in the ferry network. Nabobrygge is a service that allows communities to engage in the network with a dock, that gives them access to use the ferries.


The project turned into a roadmap on how to get to the collaborators (Beta Mobility) desired future - a ferry network in the Oslo fjord.

The network

There are some essential things like traveling habits, infrastructure and mobility that are essential for a network to form. The services play their part in creating those steps needed.


Creating the system and roadmap, there’s a ‘lot to bite over’. Thos was a challenge when delivering the project - we could either dive into a specific segment, or have an overview of how the system works and the components needed.


Design Sprints


Awards and Nominations