I’m an ambitious designer who’s passionate about solving problems for people by focusing on their needs.


At The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) we get thrown into projects and have to land on our feet. The education covers everything from “A til Å” in a design process, which makes us competent and versatile. I’ve gained experience from various projects which you’ll find in my portfolio.

Key strengths

I would say being a quick learner is one of my most valued strengths, along with being curios. My approach is rooted in structure and an abundance of methods I’ve acquired throughout my education. Most people in my class see my as a walking encyclopaedia for design methods.

On a more personal note, I believe one of my biggest strengths is my ability to come up with ideas at a high pace. This becomes an asset because it’s combined with great sketching skills (both paper and digital), either if it’s a new idea or if it builds on one of my teammates’.

What I’m doing at the time

I’m currently doing my Master’s in Interaction Design at AHO. I’m also eager to learn new skills, and I get easily carried away with ideas and interesting projects. But I manage to keep structured and organised as it’s one of my personality traits.


