Personal Projects

This is a collection of projects I’ve been working on outside of school. I’ve gained hands-on experience through being curios and wanting to develop new skills. Take a look!

Working with a startup

In late 2023 I was engaged in a startup project where I worked as a UX designer in the final stages before launch. I built a visual identity and branding, along with creating new functions for the App. The App was based on an open source AI model (machine learning), and was meant for assisting in workouts. I worked primarily in Figma.

What did I learn?

User Flow, Branding, Developing App Functions & working close with a developer

Machine Learning

AI is playing an increasingly important role in design. That’s why I think it’s so important to work on new material (like this project) and to challenge my skills in user experience.

Working with a developer

I also felt like I was getting closer to how it’ll be working in a company with developers. I did the UX designs and the developer coded it. Being on the same page is a challenge in itself, and it was valuable experience.


At AHO, we create smart ideas that could be really useful in the real world, but not necessarily how to bring them into the real world.. That’s why I chose to be part of this project - to learn the steps of how to bring a concept to life.

Design led innovation

As a designer, I’ve learnt how to write value propositions, business models, and creating a coherent brand platform. Those are crucial steps in establishing a startup. I was brought into the project in the final steps before launch. But I believe that the role of a designer should be relevant throughout the entire process - from “A til Å.


Human-AI Interactions for Tietoevry


Design Sprints